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| Raleigh Bankruptcy Attorney We want you to feel secure with Sheree as your attorney in your Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Sheree is a Board Certified Consumer Bankruptcy Specialist. We have an “A+” BBB® rating. Sheree has 18+ years of experience as a debtor bankruptcy lawyer in Raleigh, NC. We have the best Google Testimonials (click here) in North Carolina! And not least, our two money-back GUARANTEES! Legally we cannot offer any guaranteed outcome in any bankruptcy case. We do offer a return of attorney’s fees if a case is dismissed (see below). JFYI, we have never had to do this!
If we do not think you can receive a discharge in Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, we will not take your case! Can we be fairer than that? - [Read More]